Vintage means old, and it combines old style with modern elements. This means that you don\’t have to get rid of old furniture and at the same time the space doesn\’t look like a castle. This combination creates a warm and cozy atmosphere that you will immediately love. However, the vintage items you choose must be from the same era. Also, remember the adage “less is more” so that your home does not look like a second-hand store.
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Choose an appropriate color scheme

Basic wall colors should be soft and neutral. Therefore, use pastel colors such as white, beige, light gray, mint or soft turquoise. Choose wallpaper with subtle patterns for a period feel. Choose similar color tones for the main furnishings as well, so that accessories can be combined well and the interior doesn\’t look cluttered. [An old sofa for the living room, a bed for the bedroom, etc. To match this, place small pieces of furniture in a modern style as well. Wood and metal are the most common materials, and patterned fabrics complement them. Wooden furniture should be left in its original appearance or repainted in a lighter shade. Keep in mind that sometimes it is better to copy old furniture in a modern way because of the quality of the product.
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Finish with accessories

There are many options here. Old family photos in period frames, grandmother\’s old dishes in the kitchen, grandfather\’s old books in the study. However, be careful not to clutter it up so that you don\’t lose the detail that underlies this style. We recommend that you do not combine eras, as this will only give the impression of junk. Don\’t forget textile accessories. Colorful cushions with floral motifs and long, flowing curtains perfectly complement vintage decor and give the impression of a comfortable home.
Vintage style can be used in all rooms of the house and combined with modern elements to create a completely original home, full of memories of the past, but also incorporating the latest trends.

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