A typical aristocratic family had about six children. The reasons for this were purely pragmatic: the mortality rate in childbirth and infancy was high. But even the older offspring, reaped by frequent epidemics of plague and other contagious diseases, did not triumph. Thus, the great hope was always the eldest son. On his shoulders rested the duty and honor to take over and increase the family fortune, to safeguard the hopes of the new generation and the family\’s prestige. Before becoming so, the son of an aristocrat would undergo very rigorous training and usually end up with a university degree in law or philosophy. His other brothers usually had to settle for paid positions in the military, the clergy, or at court.

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But even they learned languages early, accompanied by French or Spanish tutors from the age of 3. It was common to master five languages by age 10. The basis for this was, of course, Latin, which was heavily used in higher education. In addition to languages, mathematics and botany were added at the age of five. Horseback riding, weaponry, and playing one\’s favorite instrument were not neglected.The last subjects, along with language and social behavior, were devoted in a turn to young noblewomen, whose mission, as is well known, was marriage of convenience. [The eldest son, on the other hand, was granted far greater privileges in the field of education. After completing his studies, the young man usually began his so-called “cavalry career. He stayed at European courts, where he learned court etiquette and languages. Upon returning home, the son was prepared to take over with the family governor and usually entered into a prearranged marriage


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