There is no such thing as politics. This is because many people are interested in politics, but not as deeply into it as others, for example. Like, for example, people who are only interested in Czech politics. They are mostly older people. But from what I have learned, it is mostly young people, really young people, who are interested in world politics. Many say that world politics is more interesting and diverse. Because when you look at Czech politics and foreign politics, there are really big differences. It\’s like heaven and bagpipes. Are you interested in politics?

Někdy mi politika vadí.

If so, are you someone who is only interested in Czech politics or are you also interested in foreign politics? If you want to hear my opinion, for example, I am in favor of foreign policy. As I said before, there is a real diversity. Furthermore, I feel that world politics is also a really high quality and more meaningful opinion. However, I\’m not sure where you are talking about: ……. There is no politics, but there are kingdoms. And I like England very much. I like England very much, and I like it because it has a king.

O politiku se zajímá hodně lidí.

Like I said, it\’s more cheerful, calm and diverse. What about politics? Do you like kingdoms like England or do you like other politics? I think I prefer kingdoms more. In a kingdom you don\’t have to vote. It\’s easier and quicker. It\’s easier and quicker. If the king and queen had descendants, there would be no need for an election to change or elect a new president, so someone wouldn\’t have to argue. Then a new king would just be born immediately. That would be better and faster, in my opinion. But not so in our country. Sometimes I think I should have been born in England or somewhere else with a kingdom. But it\’s not really somewhere. It\’s not haphazard. I like England, I like learning English, and I want to live in London.