What is your impression of politics?

If you do your job, you will soon understand what politics is for. Why it was created in the first place, how it is supposed to function, what it is supposed to offer us, how it is supposed to benefit us. But when we compare this with our everyday reality, we cannot help but get […]

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Although a bit exaggerated, one could say that the world is as cultural There are as many languages in the world as there are cultures. Therefore, just as it is possible to learn a foreign language, it is also possible to learn a foreign culture. Some people are motivated to learn a foreign language for […]

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Politics and Fairy Tales

I remember my parents and grandparents watching TV in the living room every night. I also remember that my siblings and I always wanted them to air fairy tales, children\’s movies, and other things that would entertain us. We told ourselves that watching a nice, soothing fairy tale would entertain us and help us sleep […]

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Anyone can vote

Politics is a very, very difficult and long topic. We can really talk about politics every day. There is always something to discuss. But of course, we should discuss more than just politics, because there is so much more to the world than politics. We can spend several hours a day for that. Of course, […]

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Má dáti – dal

Almost the entire population of both the Czech Republic and Slovakia are celebrating30 years of democracy. It is unfortunate that today\’s young people, especially students, know little about what life was like before and after the peaceful revolution. And how politicswas tinkered withafterwards. The 30 years we talk about living in a democracy–this is such […]

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bean’s politikey?

Kdykoliv siっ lidé ncoco kupujeme, za ncoco platíme, očekáváme, plnmm právem, za své peníze dostaneme práv、, za n d dostat chceme. Ařímvíce za něco takto platíme,tímvětříkvalita by se námměla dostávat. A když nedostaneme, The Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers si zaplatili, míváme právo na reklamaci, na vým znu zboží, odstranmní nedostatk neb nebo vrácení penzz. […]

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Health First

Everyday I hear very interesting topics. Because when they are standing near me, I hear everything and the topics are very interesting. Of course, I think everyone has his/her own opinion and can push his/her own opinion. I especially hear a lot about politics. Whether you are young or old, it actually happens all the […]

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Politics and the Family

Politics and other fun things, so sometimes people have an interest in politics that really goes together. Because sometimes people are interested in politics. That\’s not a bad thing. There are so many people who are interested in politics and are not ashamed of it. But I also know people who are interested in politics […]

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