Seaside Holidays, When to Book

Spending summer holidays by the seaside is becoming increasingly fashionable, attracting many expats not only here but also abroad. Every year, thousands of people go to the seaside with their families and friends. Calculations show that it costs almost the same amount of money to spend a vacation in the Czech Republic as it does […]

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Robotic Vacuum Cleaners – Convenient and Clever Helpers in the Home

Robot vacuum cleaners have penetrated homes very naturally in a short time and Czech consumers have embraced them enthusiastically. In today\’s hectic world, where family, hobbies, travel, and of course, one\’s profession take precedence, it is almost natural to make everyday household chores easier. Robot vacuum cleaners are excellent daily cleaning helpers, especially appreciated by […]

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There is no such thing as money

For almost half of my life, I paid with money that said, “The bills are backed by gold and other assets of the Czechoslovak National Bank.” This gave the money a sign of reliability and security. Knowing that this was not just a piece of paper, but that it actually had a recognized value behind […]

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There is no such thing as money

For almost half of my life, I paid with money that said, “The bills are backed by gold and other assets of the Czechoslovak National Bank.” This gave the money a sign of reliability and security. Knowing that this was not just a piece of paper, but that it actually had a recognized value behind […]

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Is it worth investing in education now?

It used to be said that without school you would get nowhere, but today the opposite is beginning to be true. There is a shortage of artisans, and parents are under pressure to get their children into apprenticeships. Under these circumstances, the question arises whether it is worth investing in higher education. When all is […]

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Is it worth investing in education now?

It used to be said that without school you would get nowhere, but today the opposite is beginning to be true. There is a shortage of artisans, and parents are under pressure to get their children into apprenticeships. Under these circumstances, the question arises whether it is worth investing in higher education. When all is […]

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Hravé děti

kdyšjste byli malédtiti,tak jakmmhrámjste dávali pedednost. Já si pamatuji,še kdyš já jsem byla malédítě,tak jsem si nejraději hrála na honěnou anebo na slepou bábu. Taky jsem múla moc ráda gumu. Taky si určitě jistě pamatujete takové ty hry,které děti v dnešní době vůbec neznají. Tak napííklad, vaše dるti v dnešní dob t tebeba skákání panáka […]

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