Almost the entire population of both the Czech Republic and Slovakia are celebrating30 years of democracy. It is unfortunate that today\’s young people, especially students, know little about what life was like before and after the peaceful revolution. And how politicswas tinkered withafterwards.
The 30 years we talk about living in a democracy–this is such a small“accounting” of our countries. Needless to say, someone got more and someone got less. Over time, we know that so many mistakes have been made in this process and both countries have paid the price. And it is all for the money.
vDemocracy and its positive aspects
Not to mention that living in totalitarianism is too bad. The positivesthat regime change has brought us are not only free borders,freedom of expression. If we have any grievances, we can peacefully demonstrate. Storeshave an abundance of all kinds of goods and even a surplus of everything. People do business not only because it is an opportunity to work and live the way they do, but also because it allows them to develop their creativity and potential, for example. Over the past 30 years, cities and towns have literally become more beautiful. They are no longer gray and unorganized.
vDemocracy and Its Evils
Some people have very short memories or live in ignorance. It was not only errors in some political decisions that led to the killing of inconvenient people because they prevented both political and market competition – the beginning of democracy. Civic movements were formed, thenpolitical parties were formed – where it was always a question of who would take power. And it was easy to do this, even with the help of treachery and various lobbyists. As in the totalitarian era, those who had the opportunity to witness the very beginning of the so-called privatization of factories and plantswere literally able to acquire property “for the crown.”On second thought, it probably also occurs to one that all of this was planned in advance in some way. The West needed to expand its market to the East. Gorbachev\’s idea of disarmament led the first president, VáclavHavel, to make the wrong decision. He literally abolished the military industry in Slovakia and Bohemia. Tens of thousands of people lost their jobs overnight. In this time of democracy, furthermore, both countries lost well-known brands of unique productsthat had represented our traditions and had long been highly regarded around the world.
A few lines are not enough to list the many grave mistakes made during that time. Perhaps in time we will be able to correct some of the mistakes so that we can live better lives, without war and without pursuing only profit.