Slightly different interior carpets

You probably remember the bland carpets well as the flooring material in almost every home. Carpeting had many disadvantages, such as dust accumulation and the need for frequent maintenance. However, this has become a thing of the past, with many people preferring wood flooring and other types of flooring materials instead of carpeting. Andcarpetas such […]

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Securing a place to live is essential

As children, we enjoy a carefree childhood and have no idea that having a place to live is an important part of life. We don\’t routinely run out of the house, slam the door, and worry that we might inadvertently break something. Dad will fix it again. Even if we didn\’t like it as teenagers, […]

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How to solve the problem of isolation?

When two or more people stay together for too long without being able to escape, they begin to bite each other to death. This is quite natural. But in a small apartment, not even a three-bedroom, it is difficult to move elsewhere without seeing the other person. So it is very important to schedule your […]

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How Lack of Sleep Affects skin quality

How well we sleep and how well we look. Human skin is the thinnest of the face, and priority regeneration of internal organs occurs during sleep, only after which the skin regenerates. This order can not be fooled, so various night adrenaline actions, irregular sleep rhythms, premature awakening and stress cause familiar circles under the […]

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Vintage Homes

Vintage means old, and it combines old style with modern elements. This means that you don\’t have to get rid of old furniture and at the same time the space doesn\’t look like a castle. This combination creates a warm and cozy atmosphere that you will immediately love. However, the vintage items you choose must […]

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Clear out negative energy in your home

Let me introduce you to a book titled “Miracle Cleaning: Tidy Up Once and for All” written and published by author Marie Kondo, an international bestseller. If you know what it is about, you will love the KONMARI method. It is a complete tidying up, a kind of key to open up one\’s consciousness and […]

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vypočádejte se s domácím prachem

dalo by sečíci,še nás pronásleduje doslova na kašdém kroku. A to i přesto,še mnohdy není na první pohled věbec vidět. Mêe bêt ale velice nebezpeênê. オジェム-ジェジェ? o obyčejném prachu,kterě na násětočí kamkoliv,kam se jen pohneme. Prach je usazen všude、stačí jen malý závan větru、okamžitě se dáいpohybu. Kromě prachu s námi bydlí i dalčínečádoucí obyvatelé,kterěmi jsou roztoči.は、právě […]

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Bydlení na hausbótu

Hausbóty najdete rozseté po celém světě. Jejich vznik byl tak trochu náhodný、zasloužili se o něj lidé,kteří se živili rybolovem、trávili na vodě většinu svého života. Bylo pro ně přirozené,aby si na vodě udělali dočasné zázemí,které se postupně měnilo na domov. “Pěvodníhausbóty byly vyrobené ze děeva,inspirované lodnímstavitelstvím. Dřevo byloいdostupným materiálem、i v dnešní době se řadí mezi nejvíce […]

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